Ordinary cleaning with detergent and water helps remove the dirt you can see, but may not remove the hidden germs you can’t, unless you can rinse the surface thoroughly with clean water afterwards.

In situations where thorough rinsing isn’t possible, to ensure these surfaces are hygienically clean, you need to regularly use an antibacterial wipe, a clean cloth and an antibacterial surface cleanser, or a suitable disinfectant. Cleaning with detergent and water will remove dirt and some of the germs present, disinfecting means actually destroying the germs.
You don’t need to clean and disinfect everywhere however, just focus on the germ hotspots:
- Regularly clean and disinfect the surfaces in your home that you often touch with your hands, such as the fridge door handle, cupboard handles, taps, waste bin, toilet seat and door handles.
- Rinse baths, sinks and showers with clean water after use, and clean them regularly using a product that will remove soap scum and scale, then rinse the surfaces thoroughly and leave them to dry.
- Kill germs and prevent cross-contamination by cleaning up food spills as soon as they happen. Disinfecting food preparation areas not only prevents germ growth, it keeps these germs from spreading to other food, hands, and other kitchen surfaces.
- Throw away germs! If possible, use paper towels and disposable wipes instead of sponges and kitchen cloths that can harbour germs and provide a moist place for them to grow. If you do use sponges or cloth towels, launder them frequently in hot water (above 60ºC).
- If possible, use a dishwasher. Run bottle brushes, pot scrubbers, plastic/dishwasher safe cutting boards, and food preparation utensils through a dishwasher cycle on a regular basis.
Concentrate your efforts on the top dirty sites in the home and those surfaces that are frequently touched. These are:
- Sponge or dishcloth.
- Kitchen sink and drain area.
- Floor.
- Taps.
- Chopping boards.
- Refrigerator handle.
- Kitchen work surfaces and table tops.
- Door handles.
- Bath and sink drains.
- Toilet flush handle.
- Taps.
- Shower drain area.
- Toilet bowl (under the rim).
- Toilet floor.
- Toilet seat.
- Door handles.
Living room/Bedroom
- Light switches.
- Door handles.
- TV remotes controls.
- Telephone handsets.
Keep your home smelling clean and fresh:
- Air your rooms regularly by opening the windows.
- Eliminate airborne odours using a sanitising spray.
- Use a high-filtration vacuum cleaner fitted with a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter to help reduce dust mite allergens.
- Keep surfaces dry and make sure you have adequate ventilation to prevent the growth of mould and mildew.